Creative Inspiration:
Boosting Creative Entrepreneurship & Digital Learning
Meetup event in Sofia delivered by Budakov Films and supported by the New Bulgarian University.

![EU flag-Erasmus+_vect_NEG [White].png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/46e134_a8b15729ef9c4927beddf3a22bdaf2fb~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_176,h_50,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/EU%20flag-Erasmus%2B_vect_NEG%20%5BWhite%5D.png)

If you work in a creative field, e.g. visual communication, UI/UX design, motion design, photography, copywriting, design, film, music, etc. - you are a student or you are freelancer, running a business where you have clients who pay for your creative talents, whether in the form of a service or a product, then the CreatINNES multiplier event in Sofia is the right one for you!
You will understanding the creative startup ecosystem as a concept (differences/overlaps with innovation & entrepreneurship ecosystems), learning new insights, as well as expanding your professional network!
Furthermore, you will get familiar with the learning objectives of the CreatINNES training program “Creative Thinking for Innovations” as well as being introduced to the CreatINNES Academy - a high-quality open, tuition-free blended training campus.
Besides a fireside chat with renowned international business developer, innovation & tech transfer expert, and former head of finances at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics: Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Kniejski, the event will feature four talks on four specific facets of the linkage between entrepreneurship and creativity by distinguished experts in the field.
We are very honoured for the opportunity of having Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilija Kojuharov - a Chairman of Department “Cinema, advertising and show business”, New Bulgarian University who has an extensive world-class expertise in corporate identity and branding..
10:00 EET
Opening words
Dr. Petyo Budakov | Chief Assistant Professor, New Bulgarian University | Founder of Budakov Films Ltd
10:10 EET
How to create a powerful corporate identity & showcase of distinguished student projects (NBU)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilija Kojuharov | Chairman of Department “Cinema, advertising and show business”, New Bulgarian University
Dr. Stoian Manchorov | Chief assistant professor, Department “Cinema, advertising and show business”, New Bulgarian University
10:25 EET
Steps to Success as a Creative Entrepreneur
Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Kniejski | Senior Business Creation Manager, EIT Manufacturing, Germany
10:40 EET
Take a cup of virtual coffee /tee
10:45 EET
Marketing Fundamentals and Insights
Dr. Georgi Malchev,
Managing Partner Xplora | Part-time Lecturer at New Bulgarian University
11:10 EET
UI/UX Prototyping and Portfolio
Dennis Gutjahr, Freelancer | UI/UX designer, Bonn, Germany
11:25 EET
The Usability of E-learning and Blended Learning Platforms:
CreatINNES Academy
Dr. Petyo Budakov | Chief Assistant Professor, New Bulgarian University | Founder of Budakov Films Ltd
11:40 EET
Take a cup of virtual coffee /tee
11:45 EET
Q&A and Chat
Share your thoughts with like-minded people and experts