We are in Sofia, Bulgaria
"Learn to succeed" - Bulgarian proverb

Multiplier Event in Bulgaria "Creative Inspiration: Boosting Creative Entrepreneurship & Digital Learning"
A multiplier event organized by Budakov Films and supported by the New Bulgarian University
The CreatINNES multiplier event, entitled “Creative Inspiration: Boosting Creative Entrepreneurship & Digital Learning” was held in Sofia (online via Zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89052258489) on February 18th, 10:00-12:00 EET, organized by one the consortium partners – Budakov Films.
The main goal of this meet up event was to shed more light on the results achieved throughout all Intellectual Outputs of the project development. Therefore, the agenda was designed to cover topics that would quickly grab the attention of the attendees as well as inviting renowned international and local speakers. One hundred and forty-nine attendees joined the event via Zoom once they had registered themselves in a Google form. Besides participants from Bulgaria, there were many attendees from Germany, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Austria and Luxembourg.
The multiplier event was kindly supported by the New Bulgarian University which currently hosts more than 9000 students and app. 2500 of them are enrolled into undergraduate and graduate programs with creative profile and background, e.g. “Graphic design”, “Web design”, “Visual communication”, “Cinema & TV”, “Advertising”, “Digital Media” and etc.
The multiplier event ended with a Q&A session where the attendees not only asked numerous questions but also took this chance to boost their network of contacts.
However, 149 participants joined the multiplier event in Sofia which was delivered online via Zoom (due to the COVID-19 national restrictions). The event was evaluated as a very successful by the public through a survey form and there was an indicated interest to the next CreatINNES initiatives.
Information about the organizers:
Budakov Films is a digital studio, passionate about creativity and design of learning experience. The company is a partner to the project consortium “CreatINNES”.
New Bulgarian University was established on 18 September 1991 with a resolution by Bulgarian Parliament. The National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency, which reviews Bulgaria’s higher education teaching, granted NBU maximum accreditation in three consecutive accreditations in 2001, 2006, 2012 and 2019. Since 2004, NBU is an accredited partner of the Open University UK.
Information about the agenda of the event.
Date and location:
February 18th, Thursday, 10:00 – 12:00 EET, Sofia (online via https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89052258489)

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