We are in Ruse, Bulgaria
"Don't leave today's work for tomorrow." - Bulgarian proverb
Multiplier event in Ruse "CreatINNES: The Culture and Creativity in Europe – Heritage and Perspective”
A Multiplier event organized by BIC INNOBRIDGE
The Business Innovation Centre INNOBRIDGE organized a CreatINNES multiplier event, entitled “The Culture and Creativity in Europe – Heritage and Perspective” in Ruse, Bulgaria on June 28th 2021.
The event took place in Regional Library “Lyuben Karavelov” and six guest lectors, working in various fields of art and science took part in the event, sharing their work and research. The event was attended by 30 people, who are working in the creative, cultural and educational sectors, are business owners, freelancers and students.
The event was opened by the moderator – Miss Maria-Denitsa Georgieva – an employee at BIC INNOBRIDGE, working on the implementation of the CreatINNES project. Miss Georgieva introduced the public with the main project goals, aims and mission. She explained all objectives that stands to the CreatINNES intellectual outputs and how they have been executed over the time. She presented the CreatINNES Academy and the learning modules.
Then she welcomed the lectors. They were representatives from the “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse, Regional History Museum Ruse, Regional Library “Lyuben Karavelov” Ruse and the Danube Association of Folk Arts and Crafts.
The topic presented included:
Assoc.Prof.DSc. Todorka Georgieva, from “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse, Silistra Branch presented her research on the topic “Hartophylax - guardian of the letters and interpreter of the word”.
Assoc.Prof. Mira Dushkova, from “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse presented “The Bulgarian writes nominated for a Nobel prize for Literature”.
Mrs. Hristina Vezireva from the Regional Library “Lyuben Karavelov” Ruse presented the topic „Lyuben Karavelov in the personal library of academician Mihail Arnaudov - valuable cultural heritage“.
Mr. Deyan Dragoev from the Regional History Museum Ruse presented “” 15:00 | „The coins of Nikopolis AD Istrum in the collection of Regional History Museum Ruse“.
Mr. Nikolay Tzolev, PhD student at “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse presented “The Bulgarian cultural-historical mix and the heritage of migration”.
Mrs. Tatyana Koleva from the Danube Association of Folk Arts and Crafts presented the work of the Association and the craft persons that work in it.