We are in North Macedonia
"If my neighbor is happy, my own work will go easier, too." - North Macedonian proverb
Multiplier event in North Macedonia "CreatINNES - opportunities for supporting creative businesses and start-ups. How to develop and rapidly grow a creative business”
A second Multiplier event organized by Macedonian Enterprise Development Foundation
The Macedonian Enterprise Development Foundation on June 21st 2021 held the 2nd North Macedonian Multiplier Event: "CreatINNES - opportunities for supporting creative businesses and start-ups. How to develop and rapidly grow a creative business". More than 70 creative workers, freelancers, students, business start-ups and representatives of the business sector have joined the 2nd Multiplier event where several important topics were discussed: What are the opportunities for supporting start-up development and growth in the country, including start-ups in the creative industry? What are the experiences of the organizations that support them and what is crucial for their business success? Is it the good and creative idea or the readiness of the team that implements it?
Renowned experts from North Macedonia shared the technical and financial support possibilities for start-ups available for the creative and cultural industry. Through presentation and panel discussion they have tried to present to possibilities to the local creative entrepreneurs but also to share their experience in working with them.
"Lazar Nedanoski, Executive Director of the Macedonian Enterprise Development Foundation has presented the program "CreatINNES", funded by the European Union, through the Erasmus+ program, as well as the free blended learning platform "CreatINNES Academy", which contains two programs: "Entrepreneurship for CCI freelancers and start-ups" and "Creative thinking for innovation". He has also presented other programmes available for entrepreneurs provided by MEDF.
Through the presentation of Aleksandar Stamboliev, the Chief Executive Officer of the Business Accelerator UKIM (BAU), the participants were introduced to the available programs for technical and financial support for the start-ups in the country through this accelerator, as well as the possibility of better access to the market.
Jasmina Popovska, a Business Creation Manager in the EIT MANUFACTURING sector at Vienna, presented the regional and European perspective on the opportunities for support of start-ups and small and medium enterprises. Various programmes for development of creative businesses were presented including access to market, customers and finance, as well as commercialization of innovation. EIT Jumpstarter, Boostup!,EIF Loans for SMEs, EACEA 2021-2027, are part of the programs that Popovska addressed.
Dr. Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski, Chief Executive Officer of Macedonia2025, encouraged creative entrepreneurs to use the available opportunities for development and leadership provided by their organization such as: LEADER Training, the Bitove Family Entrepreneurship Program, Connect2MK and others.
The main goal of the event was to promote the opportunities for technical and financial support available for creative and cultural industry start-ups and businesses and to encourage their utilization in the direction of faster growth and development not only on domestic, but also at regional and European level.
After the event, the participants expressed their satisfaction from this event and have expressed interest in further elaboration and organization of similar events that can support creativity and entrepreneurship.
Information about the organizer: